Here’s the email update I just sent out, except I added lots more details about what’s been happening with me over the past months. Skip down to MORE DETAILS if you’ve already read my brief email update I just sent out.
I hope you’re doing well. I haven’t sent out an email update in a while, but will keep this brief. My latest blog entry (typed below this note) has all the details if you’re interested. Please drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing if you get a moment. I promise to answer your email (or comment).
So, I’ve been getting a lot of messages asking when book two is coming out. Good news; the publisher moved up the release date by six months. THE DRAGON HUNTERS, BOOK TWO OF THE IRON DRAGON SERIES will come out in late May of 2009. The cover art turned out great and I’ve included it in this message.
I’d love to keep in better touch. Please join me on Facebook (I don’t spend much time on MySpace) or become a friend on one of my blogs.
I wish you the very best in 2009 and hope to see or hear from you.
Paul Genesse
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/paulgenesse
My Blogs
Blogger http://paulgenesse.blogspot.com/
LiveJournal http://paulgenesse.livejournal.com/
Word Press http://paulgenesse.wordpress.com/
My website: http://www.paulgenesse.com/
Okay, here’s the scoop about what’s been happening with me lately; and what happened in 2008. THE GOLDEN CORD, BOOK ONE OF THE IRON DRAGON SERIES came out April 15, 2008. The release party at my house was amazing and over 150 people came. The following book tour was awesome and THE GOLDEN CORD has become the bestselling book that Five Star Books has ever had. It’s given me a chance to get the novel to DAW Books, (a much bigger company), who is considering it now. I hope they pick up the series. With the economy being down, who knows?
I’ve had three stories come out in anthologies from DAW in 2008: THE DIMENSION NEXT DOOR (July) featuring my Twilight Zone/Apocalypse story GOD PAYS; IMAGINARY FRIENDS (September) featuring my somewhat autobiographical and personal story GREG AND ELI; and CATOPOLIS (December) featuring my Sex and the City inspired story KITTY AND THE CITY. I’ve written about the books and stories on my blog. The third pirate witch story also came out last summer, CAPTAIN MAEVE, in the newest BLUE KINGDOMS anthology.
I’ve also been speaking at schools in the Salt Lake City area lately. It’s been great fun meeting the teachers and kids. If you’d like me to come and speak at your school (I don’t charge a fee) to a large group and then give a mini-writing workshop to a smaller group, please let me know. When I’m in your area (wherever you are) I’ll drop by. I prefer speaking to 5th and 6th graders (the minimum age for THE IRON DRAGON SERIES), though junior high and high school kids are fine too.
In recent news, I was just invited to teach writing at a Young Writers Conference in Las Vegas. That will be lots of fun and the pay is not bad either. I’ll probably be going to New York later this year as guest of a convention as well. We’ll see what happens. I also need to fit time in and put out the Writer’s Symposium Ezine, a free ezine that comes out about four times a year and helps beginning writers learn the craft, as well as keeping people informed about releases from the 20+ members of the Symposium who contribute articles to the ezine.
I’m still working at the hospital as a cardiac nurse, and I plan to stay there for about 20 more years. It’s been tough lately, but the fight must go on. Tammy, my wife, is working as hygienist two days a week, and then she is volunteering at my hospital helping people find their way. She’s doing really well and life is going good for her, and us, despite the shaky economy.
The highlight of the year was getting to visit a whole bunch of my friends and family while on my first book tour. I had such a great time. I’m planning another book tour, probably in the fall of 2009, as I can’t quite fit another tour before the schools go on summer break, as my book might not be in the stores when I would have to fit in the school visits.
Anyway, life goes on at quite a rapid pace, though I’ve been pretty lazy lately and haven’t gotten a lot of writing done—which make me cranky. I’m needing to be working on several projects right now, mostly book three of the IRON DRAGON SERIES. I also have to finish MEDUSA’S DAUGHTER and develop the PIRATE WITCH stories into a full-length novel. I just need to find the time and motivation.
My 2009 resolutions are: 1. Finish book three, titled: THE SECRET EMPIRE; 2. Finish MEDUSA’S DAUGHTER; and 3. Enjoy the journey . . .
I wish you all the very best and hope 2009 is a great one for you and your family.
Paul Genesse, Author and Editor
I am looking forward to "The Dragon Hunters". And the very best of luck with your 2009 resolutions, Paul :)
Thank you very much, Mihai. Best wishes.
Good luck with your books, Paul. Are they epic fantasy? Do you like any other kind, urban, mythic, whatever? I like Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, Jane Yolen, etc.
My first fantasy novel comes out next July from TOR.
caleb fox
Hi Caleb,
Congrats on your novel coming out from Tor. What a great accomplishment. I really enjoy all kinds of fantasy, urban and more traditional epic. My favorite authors are George R.R. Martin, Joshua Palmatier, Michale Stackpole, some of Terry Brooks, many of Orson Scott Card's books, and of course the guy on the pedestal, J.R.R. Tolkien.
I mostly write epic high fantasy with grim elements. The one line description of my first novel, The Golden Cord is: A hunter must leave behind the woman he loves, give up all hope of survival, as he is forced to guide his most hated enemies on a suicidal journey to the lair of the dragon king.
Thanks for your comment. I'll have to check out your blog and your book.
Best wishes,
Paul Genesse
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